Showing posts with label Skin. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Skin. Show all posts

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Milk bath is useful for Skin Beauty

Who does not know the milk? Milk does a lot of benefits. Not just a healthy body weight, milk turns out also can whiten and soften the skin. Anyone would want her skin look brighter and radiant.

Activity which usually often done at the salon to wear off dead skin cells and dirt on the body is indeed include alternative ways to brighten skin tone without involving chemicals.

However, what would happen if one day you happen to not have time to visit your subscription SPA because of the work suddenly piled up at the office? You do not need to worry, because the milk bath can also be done at home, and the materials used is quite economical.

1. Prepare a bowl of milk.

2. Mix with a little olive oil.

3. Heat for 5 to 10 minutes.

4. Then mix with warm water.

5. Soak for 20-30 minutes.

In order to obtain maximum results, do a gentle massage to the whole body. Its function is to remove impurities attached to the body. Do it regularly!

Friday, May 27, 2011

Also Honey cans Prevent and treat chapped lips, by the way the put it on the lips.

Beautiful face
Honey is not only good consumed to maintain a healthy body, but Also a merit in maintaining beauty. One of the properties yiatu to moisturize skin and reduce irritation to the skin. Also Honey cans Prevent and treat chapped lips, by the way the put it on the lips.
And not only That the efficacy of honey, here are the benefits you get from honey cans:

      *Eliminate acne. 

Spread 3 tablespoons of honey and 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder on your face before bed. The next day, wash with warm water. Perform routine ssetiap day for 2 weeks.

Would Want To Prevent people look young, and how easy. Take 4 Spoons of honey, 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 3 cups of water and Boiled as a tea. Drink 4 times a day, and you'll get smooth skin and Prevent aging.
      *Infection of the skin. 

Take 1 tablespoon honey and 1 teaspoon cinnamon, and rub on exposed skin irritation.
      * Solve hair loss. 

You have a problem with hair loss? Combine Olive Oil heat in 1 tablespoon honey, 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder before bath. Apply on the head and let stand for 5-15 minutes, then rinse with water.

Drinking slimming mixture of honey with turmeric juice once a week, and PROVE his usefulness.
      *Eliminate odors of breath.

  This recipe traditional South American people Used to eliminate bad breath. The Way to Provide 1 teaspoon honey and cinnamon powder, then mix with water. Drink this concoction every morning.
      *For Pregnant women, drink 1 teaspoon honey 2 times a day, will from add strength to the body During pregnancy.

Source :

Tips to have beautiful skin

Beautiful face

You can have beautiful skin during fasting without having to spend a huge cost. During the month of fasting, most people complain about their skin becomes dry due to lack of drinking. But this can be overcome by easy ways below.

       At meal time, try to always drink fresh fruit juice that consists of two or three kinds of fruit. Vitamins and fluids contained in them can make your skin look fresh even when fasting. By taking vitamin E supplements can also solve your dry skin.

       Try eating fruits when breaking the fast. The fruit can be mixed with drinks or pudding and more. If you did not get to eat the fruit when breaking the fast, you try to consume after a big meal. Consume more water than drink with sweeteners. High sugar content can make skin dry.

       Also care from outside the body also needs to be done to prevent dry skin. Prepare a moisturizer, whether it moisturizing your face, lips or skin of the body. should use a moisturizer every two hours for the skin is really protected from drought.

       Fasting often make you look fresh and sleepy. When this happens use the water oxygen (beauty products that contain water of oxygen) on the face. Such tools Oxygen Water can help prevent skin from dehydration. And the sensation of coldness even make your skin refreshed.
Source image:

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Benefits Of Avocado Fruit, As A Moisturizer.

Avocado fruit

Avocados are useful especially for cosmetic reasons. With science, it is evident that the avocado is rich in vitamins, minerals and natural oils. Avocado contains vitamins A, C, and E, iron, potassium, niacin, pantotenik acid and protein not usually found in fruit. All these substances are useful for the beauty and skin health.

Benefits of Avocado fruit
As a moisturizer. Take part in the avocado skin, which contains humektan, and able to withstand moisture. Rub gently to about face and leave for 15 minutes. After that wash the face using cold water. Do it before you sleep at night because nighttime is the right time for the skin to work. Face moisture to make up last long afterwards.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Olive Fruit Useful for Beauty

Olive fruit has a content of vitamin A and E and minerals, olive oil is used as a beauty therapy to relieve itching and scarring, maintain healthy hair  and prevent hair loss, maintain the  beauty  and skin elasticity.