Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Permintaan Operasi Plastik meningkat di Inggris

Bedah Plastik | skandal implan payudara | Kasus Bedah plastik | Operasi
payudara | operasi Keloak mata | Operasi jenis kelamin | Ahli bedah
plastik | inplan payudara palsu | Korban Media sosial

Asosiasi Bedah Plastik dan Anestesi Inggris (BAAPS) menyatakan dilakukan
51.140 pembedahan tahun lalu, naik dari 45.406 tahun 2014.

Data ini mengubah penurunan baru-baru ini, yang diduga karena resesi dan
skandal implan payudara bermasalah.

Sembilan dari 10 kasus dilakukan perempuan, meskipun peningkatan terjadi
pada kedua jenis kelamin.

Tiga kasus terbanyak adalah operasi payudara, kelopak mata dan wajah
serta leher.

Secara umum, jumlah prosedur meningkat sebesar 13%.

Ahli bedah plastik dan anggota BAAPS, Ash Mosahebi, mengatakan kenaikan
ini disebabkan berbagai hal.

"Saya pikir sebagian karena perbaikan ekonomi dan semakin banyak orang
membelanjakan uang untuk barang mewah.

"Dan media sosial semakin populer, semakin banyak orang mengirimkan foto
dirinya dan ingin terlihat cantik."

Meskipun demkian, dia mengatakan orang semakin terdidik terkait bedah
plastik setelah ribuan perempuaan menjalani implan payudara palsu
berkualitas rendah buatan perusahaan Prancis, Poly Implant Prothese.


Friday, September 9, 2011

Tips Face Care

For beauty face.Almost every woman is familiar with the powder. Get to know more in order to further beautify you. All face powder, an average of the same function. Although the same function, but the needs of each person is different.

Based on the type of skin
For oily skin, use a powder that contains oil-absorbing materials in order to face a fresh look without polish. As for normal or dry skin, use a powder that contains moisturizing ingredients so as not to agglomerate on the skin until the face looks smooth.

For oily skin. If the skin looks shiny mid-day, do not immediately Dab powder. Absorb oil with a tissue first. New Dab powder. For dry skin. Observe that you do not use too much powder. Always use (moisturizer) before, to avoid the powder on the lines of the face.

Type powder
Generally, the powder consists of two forms ie powder (loose powder) and pressed powder (powder compact). Selection of the powder depends on your needs. Powder is not practical for taken away because it could spill. To apply makeup at home are using powder. To freshen makeup outside the house using solid powder.

Compact, in addition to practical, can also be adjusted amount of use. If you have difficulty in using affixing powder (tend to put too much powder). Better to use a pressed powder only.

Color Selection
For Asian skin, either yellow or brown. Generally powders with shades of yellow or brownish color is more suitable compared with powder pink and white. If you are in doubt, can use warnatransparan powder commonly known as powder Tranlucent Powder. Because of this transparent powder color is almost smooth, then the adaptive nature. Suitable functional or aesthetic type of skin color.

Types of skin color that is not appropriate to use transparent powder is a very dark skin color, or vice versa is very pale. For both types of skin color, choose a color as close as powder (one color or younger) than skin color is very dark or very pale it.

Tip: When trying to color powder in the store, try the powder is in the middle between the neck and face. If not possible, try on the inside of the wrist, because the color of the section closest to the skin color. Thus, we know which one fits you.

After applying foundation and concealer, let stand a minute more or less for 1-2 minutes to sink in and merge with the texture of the skin. Afterward, the new Dab powder that is concentrated on the face that tends to oily, namely daerat T (forehead, nose, chin)

To appear smooth Dab powder and discard the excess with a brush thick fur. Besihkanlah with a circular motion toward the bottom (chin). This will eliminate excess / talc lumps on the skin, especially around the hairline and eyebrows.

You can also put the powder directly using a brush, but remember to clean the face of the remaining excess powder afterwards. Use powder before you start to apply makeup, so makeup is durable / durable. Remember that makeup, including powder, need time to absorb and merge with the skin. After you use the powder, wait for 1-2 minutes. If the powder is too blatant display / too thick, then brush sapukanlah thick fur on the surface of the face. Then spray a little facial spray and mineral water and pat gently using a tissue

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Look beautiful with eye care

For those of you women if you want to look pretty perfect then you should not ignore the eye-care. Because the eye is an integral part of beauty. Although your makeup simple but you do not do eye care then your eyes will not look perfect and ruin your appearance.

You need to consider that the skin around the eyes is very sensitive because of thinner skin than other parts of the face so it is not surprising that this part of the first show signs of aging like fine lines, eye bags and dark circles. Natural aging will be more visible if you frequently mengeryitkan eyes or rubbing the eyes, causing wrinkles on your face. There are several other factors that can ruin the appearance of your eyes, you should consider the following steps.

UVA rays from the sun makes the skin around the eyes so dark while UVB makes wrinkles. To avoid this, you should use eye moisturizer that contains sunscreen as Oriflame Time Prevent Eye Stick SPF 15.

Actually, just the same as cigarette smoke exhaust smoke which is a pollutant-laden free radicals that can destroy skin cells and narrowing of blood flow, nutrient intake was up to automatically inhibited. Heat from cigarette smoke will also make the skin dry. To avoid this you should wear eye moisturizer that contains antioxidants to protect you from free radicals. Makeup eye makeup is as important as other parts of the face, you should note the following points.

If you want to give the impression of eyes look fresh then you can wear white eyeliner on the inside of the lower eyelid. If you want to give the impression of larger eyes then you can choose then apply black eyeliner on upper lid and the bottom line. We recommend that you wear liquid eyeliner to give the impression of a firmer eye line. Because the liquid eyeliner smeared relative would be more difficult than the pencil because it required precision.

If you wear eyeshadow. All you have to have is a brownish shades of beige to dark brown young. You can choose younger shades like white, beige, beige can be worn as a highlight on the brow. Darker colors you can use on eyelids. For those of you who wear glasses minus then you can choose a natural color such as shades of brown in a matte texture as a counterweight to your eye makeup. Meanwhile, for those of you who use the lens plus then you can wear shades are more assertive so that your eyes look big.

Maybe you already know Mascara. Mascara widely available in many colors and formulas that you can choose. The shape is also very diverse and have diverse functions. Mascara is long and thin has a function to apply mascara on the lashes each strand. For the upper lashes should apply mascara by rolling the mascara wand from the bottom up to the upper lashes. Previously you could clamp lashes first.

One way to disguise the dark circles under the eyes, you can wear concealer. If your skin is light then you can choose which color is a tone lighter than your skin color. As for the dark brown skin and then you can choose the color is almost the same denganw Arna your skin naturally. Instead of a concealer, you can apply foundation on the part of your eye dark circles.

For those of you who want to refresh the eyes quickly then you could try acupressure movements, see below. All you have to prepare is to sit with a relaxed, rub your palms together and your fingertips so it feels warm then put on the eye to relieve eye muscle strain. You can repeat this movement repeatedly. The first movement is to put a second thumb on the upper corner of the eyelid near the nose. Press both thumbs upward and toward the brow bone. Do this for one minute while you breathe deeply and slowly.

In the second movement is to place the index finger on the cheek, parallel to the eyeball. Emphasize the middle finger below the cheekbones and then press the two points for one minute while breathing deeply and regularly. Last movement is pressing his left middle finger in the back of the head on the curve and point out the right middle finger between the eyebrows and press denagn steady. Close your eyes and make yourself as relaxed as possible while focusing the mind on the point between the eyebrows that. Breathing slowly and regularly and do for 2 minutes. Good luck.